Nnamdi G. Osuagwu, Toni Lane, Jeff Frake, Robert Blage, Ellen Kane, Jennifer Towers, Joel Smith aka Johnny Rocket, Michael Sandelli, Natasha Harrington, August Stone, Zoe Mecklin, and Carrie Reed
A Brief Guide to Social Networking Addiction
Social Networking Addiction is a mental illness centered around a dependency of online 'FRIENDS' or online interaction on social networks. Social Networking Addicts are unable to control their tendency to be logged in and participating on social networking websites.
What are some characteristics of Social Networking Addiction?
Some of the most common characteristics of Social Networking Addiction are:
* A feeling that being online is the only way to be noticed by the world at large. The longing for another post, update, or chat session (otherwise known as 'SNEAKING') before they sleep. A strong anticipation to being logged onto their social network of choice and seeing what everyone in their network is doing.
* Episodes of logging onto their social network randomly while in the middle of something completely different.
* Attempts to control their addiction by changing social networks. For example jumping from Myspace to Facebook.
* SNEAKING for long periods of time.
* Deleting wall posts so that others don't notice their excessive amount of posts or updates.
* Binge SNEAKING and sleepless nights due to SNEAKING. Drowsiness the next day from long nights of SNEAKING.
What is S.N.A?
Social Networking Anonymous (S.N.A) is an online community of men, women, boys, and girls who help each other control their social networking addiction. They offer support to everyone and anyone who is ready to face their Social Networking Addiction and SNEAKING habits. They all have a unique understanding of each other because people on the site are all social networking addicts, except for the online friends of addicts who join for moral support of a Social Networking Addict.
S.N.A members say that they are currently social networking addicts even when they have not been online for many hours, days, or months. They don't believe that they can be completely free of their addiction because it is literally at their fingertips. Once people have lost the ability to control their SNEAKING, they can never become "former social networking addicts" or "ex-social networking addicts". But in S.N.A, they can become recovering social networking addicts. The community is accessible on www.SocialNetworkingAddiction.com.
The full version of the "Brief Guide To Social Networking Addiction" can be downloaded from:
About the Author
Nnamdi Godson Osuagwu, Author of upcoming book, Facebook Addiction: The Life and Times of Social Networking Addicts. Free eBook, A Brief Guide to Social Networking Addiction Website: http://www.thefacebookaddiction.com
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